

Sunday, August 18

Time Large Meeting Room (B1F 84) Exhibition Room(B1F 63)
9:00 Registration (Large meeting room, B1F)
Special Session 1:
Constructive Developmental Science: Two Endeavors toward Understanding Human Development
Yukie Nagai (Osaka University), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Tutorial 1:
Introduction to Computational brain-mind
Juyang Weng (Michigan State University)
10:50 Coffee break
Special Session 1:
Constructive Developmental Science: Two Endeavors toward Understanding Human Development
Yukie Nagai (Osaka University), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Tutorial 1:
Introduction to Computational brain-mind
Juyang Weng (Michigan State University)
Lunch (not provided)
Special Session 2:
Training in Robotics for Development of Cognition (RobotDoC)
Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Marek Rucinski (Plymouth University), Cristiano Alessandro (Zurich University), Nicholas Wilkinson (IIT), Nicolas Navarro-Guerrero (Hamburg University), Andrea Handl (Uppsala University)
Special Session 3:
Constructing empathy: An Interdisciplinary Investigation
Luisa Damiano (University of Bergamo), Paul Dumouchel (Ritsumeikan University), Hagen Lehmann (University of Hertfordshire)
15:50 Coffee break
Tutorial 2:
Language Acquisition and the Influence of Action Learning
Katrin Solveig Lohan (IIT), Katharina Rohlfing (Bielefeld University), Angelo Cangelosi (Plymouth University), Lars Schillingmann (Osaka University), Giorgio Metta (IIT)
Tutorial 3:
Action-Perception Cycles: Neuro-Dynamic Modeling and Robotics Experiments
Jun Tani (KAIST)

Monday, August 19

Time Middle-sized Assembly Hall (3F 300-500)
9:00 Registration (Special room, 3F)
9:30 Opening
Keynote 1:
Herbert Jaeger
10:50 Coffee break
11:10 Attentional Constraints and Statistics in Toddlers' Word Learning
Sumarga Suanda (Indiana University), Seth Foster (Indiana University), Linda Smith (Indiana University), Chen Yu (Indiana University)
11:30 Understanding Embodied Visual Attention in Child-Parent Interaction
Sven Bambach (Indiana University), David Crandall (Indiana University), Chen Yu (Indiana University)
11:50 Do beliefs about a robot's capabilities influence alignment to its actions?
Anna-Lisa Vollmer (Plymouth University), Britta Wrede (Bielefeld University), Katharina Rohlfing (Bielefeld University), Angelo Cangelosi (Plymouth University)
12:10 Robot Learning Simultaneously a Task and How to Interpret Human Instructions
Jonathan Grizou (INRIA), Manuel Lopes (INRIA Bordeaux), Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)
Lunch (not provided)
13:50 Salience-based reinforcement of a spiking neural network leads to increased syllable production
Anne Warlaumont (University of California, Merc)
14:10 Learning Versatile Sensorimotor Coordination with Goal Babbling and Neural Associative Dynamics
Felix Rene Reinhart (CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University), Matthias Rolf (CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University)
14:30 Goal Babbling with Unknown Ranges: A Direction-Sampling Approach
Matthias Rolf (CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University)
14:50 Developing Learnability – the Case for Reduced Dimensionality
Naveen Kuppuswamy (A.I Lab, University of Zürich), Christopher Harris (Plymouth University)
15:10 Coffee break
15:30 Do humans need learning to read humanoid lifting actions?
Alessandra Sciutti (IIT), Laura Patané (Italian Institute of Technology), Francesco Nori (Italian Institute of Technology), Giulio Sandini (IIT)
15:50 Exploration strategies in developmental robotics: a unified probabilistic framework
Clément Moulin-Frier (INRIA), Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)
16:10 Learning Stable Pushing Locations
Tucker Hermans (Georgia Institute of Technolog), Fuxin Li (Georgia Institute of Technology), James Rehg (Georgia Institute of Technology), Aaron Bobick (Georgia Institute of Technology)
16:30 Coffee break
Poster session 1 (with spotlights)

Banquet in the "Heian" at the 4th floor of ANA Crowne Plaza

Tuesday, August 20

Time Middle-sized Assembly Hall (3F 300-500)
9:00 Registration (Special room, 3F)
Keynote 2:
Anne Fernald
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Epigenetic adaptation through hormone modulation in autonomous robots
John Lones (University of Hertfordshire), Lola Cañamero (University of Hertfordshire)
11:10 Impacts of environment, nervous system and movements of preterms on body map development: Fetus simulation with spiking neural network
Yasunori Yamada (The Univ. of Tokyo), Keiko Fujii (The Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (The Univ. of Tokyo)
11:30 Structural bootstrapping at the sensorimotor level for the fast acquisition of action knowledge for cognitive robots
Eren Aksoy (Goettingen University), Minija Tamosiunaite, Rok Vuga, Ales Ude, Christopher Geib, Mark Steedman, Florentin Woergoetter
11:50 Coffee break
12:10 Temporal Emphasis for Goal Extraction in Task Demonstration to a Humanoid Robot by Naive Users
Konstantinos Theofilis (University of Hertfordshire), Katrin Solveig Lohan, Kerstin Dautenhahn (University of Hertfordshire), Britta Wrede (University of Bielefeld), Chrystopher Nehaniv (University of Hertfordshire)
12:30 Estimating Dynamic Properties of Objects from Appearance
Walter Talbott (UC San Diego), Tingfan Wu (UCSD), Javier Movellan (UCSD)
Lunch (not provided)
Keynote 3:
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
15:00 Coffee break
15:20 A generative probabilistic framework for learning spatial language
Colin Dawson (University of Arizona), Jeremy Wright (University of Arizona), Antons Rebguns (University of Arizona), Marco Valenzuela Escárcega (University of Arizona), Daniel Fried (University of Arizona), Paul Cohen (University of Arizona)
15:40 Co-learning nouns and adjectives
Guner Orhan, Sertac Olgunsoylu, Erol Sahin, Sinan Kalkan (METU)
16:00 Grounded Lexicon Acquisition - Case Studies in Spatial Language
Michael Spranger (Sony CSL Paris)
16:20 Talk by Aldebaran
16:40 Coffee break
Poster session 2 (with spotlights)

Wednesday, August 21

Time Middle-sized Assembly Hall (3F 300-500)
9:00 Registration (Special room, 3F)
Keynote 4:
Ichiro Tsuda
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Reinforcement Learning with State-Dependent Discount Factor
Naoto Yoshida (NAIST), Eiji Uchibe (OIST), Kenji Doya (OIST)
11:10 Transfer Learning for Direct Policy Search: a Reward Shaping Approach
Stephane Doncieux (ISIR/UPMC-CNRS)
Closing & award ceremony
(Small Assembly Hall)
(Meeting Room No. 4, B1F 24)

Thursday, August 22

Lab-Tour at Osaka University

The following labs will be included in the tour:
  1. Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, directed by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro
  2. Human Interface Laboratory, directed by Prof. Koh Hosoda
  3. Emergent Robotics Laboratory, directed by Prof. Minoru Asada.
A detailed schedule will be announced soon.

Poster Session 1 (Monday, August 19, 16:50 - 18:20)

Full papers with spotlight presentation
Mon-1 Learning to Reproduce Fluctuating Behavioral Sequences Using a Dynamic Neural Network Model with Time-Varying Variance Estimation Mechanism
Shingo Murata (Waseda University), Jun Namikawa (RIKEN), Hiroaki Arie (Waseda University), Jun Tani (KAIST), Shigeki Sugano (Waseda University)
Mon-2 An Enactive Approach to Autonomous Agent and Robot Learning
Olivier Georgeon (Université de Lyon), Christian Wolf (Université de Lyon), Simon Gay (Université de Lyon)
Mon-3 Learning the rules of a game: neural conditioning in human-robot interaction with delayed rewards
Andrea Soltoggio (Bielefeld University), Felix Rene Reinhart (CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University), Andre Lemme (Bielefeld University), Jochen Steil (Bielefeld University)
Mon-4 Predictive coding and self-organization for unsupervised development of object recognition skills
Alexander Gepperth (ENSTA ParisTech)
Mon-5 Emergence of Flexible Prediction-Based Discrete Decision Making and Continuous Motion Generation through Actor-Q-Learning
Katsunari Shibata (Oita University), Kenta Goto
Mon-6 Learning to recognize objects through curiosity-driven manipulation
Serena Ivaldi (ISIR - CNRS & University Pierre et Marie Curie), Alain Droniou (ISIR - UMR 7222 CNRS & UPMC), Olivier Sigaud (ISIR - UMR 7222 CNRS & UPMC), Vincent Padois (ISIR - UMR 7222 CNRS & UPMC), David Filliat (ENSTA - ParisTech), Natalia Lyubova (ENSTA - ParisTech), Damien Gerardeaux, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest), Mai Nguyen (INRIA)
Mon-7 Towards a robotic model of the mirror neuron system
Kristína Rebrová (Comenius University SR), Matej Pecháč (Comenius University in Bratislava), Igor Farkaš (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Mon-8 Autonomous learning of active multi-scale binocular vision
Luca Lonini (FIAS - Goethe University), Yu Zhao (Hong Kong University of Science And Technology), Pramod Chandrashekhariah (FIAS - Goethe University), Bertram Shi (Hong Kong University of Science And Technology), Jochen Triesch (FIAS)
Mon-9 Aquila 2.0 - Software Architecture for Cognitive Robotics
Martin Peniak (Plymouth University), Anthony Morse (University of Plymouth), Angelo Cangelosi (Plymouth University)
Mon-10 Building Specific Contexts for On-line Learning of Dynamical Tasks through Non-verbal Interaction
Antoine De Rengerve (ETIS), Souheil Hanoune (ETIS), Pierre Andry (ETIS), Quoy Mathias (ETIS Lab), Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise)
Abstracts and short papers
Mon-11 Grounding Abstract Action Words through the Hierarchical Organization of Motor Primitives
Francesca Stramandinoli (Plymouth University), Davide Marocco, Angelo Cangelosi (Plymouth University)
Mon-12 The Significance of Social Input, Early Motion Experiences, and Attentional Selection
Joseph Burling (University of Houston), Hanako Yoshida (University of Houston), Yukie Nagai (Osaka University)
Mon-13 Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning in Socio-Economic Systems: the Dynamical Analysis
Arkady Zgonnikov (University of Aizu), Ihor Lubashevsky (University of Aizu)
Mon-14 Explaining Neonate Facial Imitation from the Sensory Alignment in the Superior Colliculus
Pitti Alex (ETIS Lab, Univ. of Cergy), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo), Quoy Mathias (ETIS Lab), Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise)
Mon-15 Adaptive Reachability Assessment in the Humanoid Robot iCub
Salomon Ramirez-Contla (Plymouth University), Davide Marocco
Mon-16 Extracting image features in static images for depth estimation
Masaki Ogino (Kansai University), Junji Suzuki (Osaka University), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Mon-17 Continuous Adaptive Reinforcement Learning with the Evolution of Self Organizing Classifiers
Danilo Vargas (Kyushu University), Hirotaka Takano, Junichi Murata

Poster Session 2 (Tuesday, August 20, 17:00 - 18:30)

Full papers with spotlight presentation
Tue-1 Action Understanding using an Adaptive Liquid State Machine based on Environmental Ambiguity
Jimmy Baraglia, Yukie Nagai (Osaka University), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Tue-2 Tactile stimuli from amniotic fluid guides the development of somatosensory cortex with hierarchical structure using human fetus simulation
Ryosuke Sasaki (University of Tokyo), Yasunori Yamada (University of Tokyo), Yuki Tsukahara (University of Tokyo), Yasuo Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)
Tue-3 Autonomous Reuse of Motor Exploration Trajectories
Fabien Benureau (Inria), Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)
Tue-4 Touch and Emotion: Modeling of developmental differentiation of emotion lead by tactile dominance
Takato Horii (Osaka University), Yukie Nagai (Osaka University), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Tue-5 Improving Implicit Communication In Mixed Human-Robot Teams With Social Force Detection
Bradley Hayes (Yale University), Brian Scassellati (Yale University)
Tue-6 Learning Semantic Components from Subsymbolic Multimodal Perception
Olivier Mangin (INRIA), Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)
Tue-7 A Robot to Study the Development of Artwork Appreciation Through Social Interactions.
Ali Karaouzene (ETIS), Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise), Denis Vidal (IRD - URMIS - Paris Diderot)
Tue-8 Intuitive Human Robot Interaction based on unintentional synchrony: a psycho-experimental study
Syed-Khursheed Hasnain, Ghiles Mostafaoui (ETIS), Robin Salesse, Ludovic Marin, Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise)
Tue-9 Autonomous Learning of Domain Models using Two-Dimensional Probability Distributions
Witold Słowiński (University of Aberdeen), Frank Guerin (Aberdeen University)
Tue-10 Frustration as a way toward autonomy and self-improvement in robotic navigation.
Adrien Jauffret (ETIS Laboratory), Marwen Belkaid (ETIS), Nicolas Cuperlier (ETIS), Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise), Philippe Tarroux (LIMSI)
Abstracts and short papers
Tue-11 Development of self-monitoring essential for vocal interactions in marmoset monkeys
Daniel Takahashi (Princeton University), Darshana Narayanan (Princeton University), Asif Ghazanfar (Princeton University)
Tue-12 Towards understanding the origin of infant directed speech: A vocal robot with infant-like articulation
Yuki Sasamoto (Osaka Univ.), Naoto Nishijima (Osaka University), Minoru Asada (Osaka University)
Tue-13 Dynamic shift in isolating referents: From social to self-generated input
Hanako Yoshida (University of Houston), Joseph Burling (University of Houston)
Tue-14 Autonomous Learning Based on Depth Perception and Behavior Generation
Sungmoon Jeong (JAIST, Kyungpook National University), Yunjung Park (Kyungpook National University), Minho Lee (Kyungpook National University)
Tue-15 Learning Spatial Relations between Objects From 3D Scenes
Severin Fichtl (Uni Aberdeen), Frank Guerin (Aberdeen University), Norbert Krueger (SDU), John Alexander (Uni of Aberdeen), Wail Mustafa (Southern Denmark University), Dirk Kraft (Southern Denmark University)
Tue-16 Combining Synchrony and shape detection to sustain the robot focus of attention on a selected human partner
Caroline Grand, Ghiles Mostafaoui (ETIS), Syed-Khursheed Hasnain, Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy Pontoise)

Important dates:

Extended Deadlines:

   Submission Deadline: March 31, 2013

   Notification Due: May 16, 2013

   Final Version Due: June 23, 2013

Early Registration: July 26, 2013

Conference: August 18-22, 2013